Canterbury Toy Library has been fortunate to receive funding for a wide selection of high quality musical toys and instruments suitable for babies through to early primary school years.
We wanted everyone in our local community to have the opportunity to experience all of the benefits that are experienced with playing instruments with rich sounds compared to some of the cheap musical toys you can often find advertised for young children.
Playing and sharing music together with children is a sensory rich experience that research has found to have so many benefits in the first years of a child's life such as improving fine motor skills, literacy, school readiness, emotional awareness and so much more.
Babies and Toddlers
Our musical range begins with durable toys and instruments suitable for babies and toddlers. They may experiment with sounds such as high and low, repeat song lyrics and move to the music.
Toddlers and Preschool
While all of our instruments are suited for all ages many toddlers will enjoy moving from simple percussion instruments to experimenting with our colour coded desk bells and chime bars, the rich sounds of the steel tongue drums and keyboards.
Preschool and Beyond
Many of our instruments are colour coded and come with matching song books suited for learning first songs while all of our stringed instruments can be tuned (we recommend you use a tuning app) and guitars like the Loog come with flashcards and chord diagrams ideal for learning your first chords.
Canterbury Toy Library is currently open for contactless click and collect where you can view our full range of musical instruments by logging into your account.
This project received grant funding from the Australian Government.